

はじめまして! 私の名前はダンテ・メディナです。メキシコ人の学生で、現在はフランスのシュパンフォゲーム大学で、プロジェクト管理とゲームデザインの分野で修士課程に進んでいます。2014年の東京ゲームショウのスカラーとして、このエッセイの機会を活かして、このユニークな経験を自分に授けてくれただけでなく、西洋と日本のゲーム開発者をつなげるすべての仕事に対して、IGDA日本にたいへん御礼を申しあげます。今後のさらなる成功をお祈りしております。



UEIで作られたゲームとして、彼らは最初の携帯電話向けARPGである『メルルーの秘宝』を配信できていました。彼らはこのマイルストーンをARアプリケーションと『クリムゾンフォックス 渋谷の街に隠された暗号を探せ!』というARを用いた宝探しゲームと、ARナビアプリの『ARider』に焦点を当てて追求しました。最終的に同社は『天空のエリュシオン』という、骨太のモバイル向けMMORPGをリリースしました。




ランド・ホー80名程度のゲームソフトウェア企業で、1999年にセガの開発者が独立して起業しました。私たちはビジネスデベロップメントのゼネラルマネージャーと会議室に座り、スタジオに関する個人的な見解について伺いました。同社では数多くのゲームが開発されていて、その多くは有名なパブリッシャーから販売されていました。ヒットタイトルの中には競馬シミュレーションや、カジュアルなダンスゲームがあり、すばらしいものでした。一番有名なタイトルはXbox One専用ゲームの『クリムゾンドラゴン』で、2013年のE3でマイクロソフトから独占で発表されました。







パーティに参加させていただいたことも、たいへんありがとうございました。中でもIndie Stream Fes 2014はもっとも重要なものでした。そこで私は学生の間はとても難しいと思っていた方々とお会いできました。驚いたことに、もっともゲーム業界に影響を及ぼしたと思われる方々ですら、たいへん気さくで気軽に会話できました。このパーティはスカラーシップのハイライトでした。才能にみちあふれ、周囲に影響を与える人々であふれた会場に自分がいられたことは、私の人生の中でももっとも貴重な瞬間で、忘れがたいものになりました。


日本は素晴らしい国です。私は以前にも日本を訪問したことがありますが、その素晴らしい風景や、興味深く世界に類を見ないゲーム産業をもう一度見たいという気持ちを抑えることが出来ませんでした。また、他のスカラーの存在無しには、このスカラーシップがこのように素晴らしいものになったと他に紹介することはできなかったでしょう。とても国際的で上下関係のないスカラーたちで、彼らと一緒にいてふさぎ込んだまま過ごすというのは不可能でした。このエッセイを読んでくださっているとしたら、改めてそのことを強調しておきます! 地球は狭くゲーム業界は小さな産業です。近い将来に全員のスカラーと再びお会いできることを楽しみにしています。(スパンフォコム大学、ダンテ・メディナ)

Greetings! My name is Dante Medina, I am a Mexican-born student currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Management & Game Design at Supinfogame, France. As a 2014 Tokyo Game Show scholar, I would like to take this opportunity to show my gratitude towards IGDA Japan not only for this unique experience they have gifted me with, but also for all the work they have done connecting Western and Japanese developers. I hope many years of success await this great organization.

As a student currently aiming to work as a producer, this scholarship allowed me to discover different game production methods than those I am learning about. I was able to broaden my horizons and see how unique Japanese game development is. Case in point, Ubiquitous Entertainment Inc. or UEI.

I was really impressed with this studio’s track record. Founded the 8th of August 2003, their founding member had already focused on innovation and on pushing available tech to its limits. Some of them were able to launch the first mobile phone with email back in 1999. Others quickly followed with the first mobile MMO game in 2000. Of course, this was only possible in Japan where mobile phones were extremely sophisticated compared to what we had in the western world at the time. Regarding the games they had made before working at UEI, some of them actually developed a game for Toyota which far exceeded my expectations of what an ad-game should be: they actually released a CCG with physical cards that could be used in game!

As for games made by UEI, they were able to publish the first ARPG for mobiles named Meruru no Hihou. They followed this milestone by focusing on AR applications and games such as an AR-hunt game named Crimson Fox and an AR navigation app, ARider. Finally, they released Elysion in the Sky, a robust mobile-only MMORPG.

Besides consumer software, they are currently working on a very interesting project. Their R&D team is continually working on an HTML5 and Java learning game engine called enchant.js which is already powering a variety of Japanese mobile games. It’s very easy to use, and any finished game can be uploaded to their website 9leap where users can play and rate each other’s games. Last but not least, their enchant moon tablet makes it easy for people of all ages to start quickly developing games without writing a single line of code through the use of an enchant.js-powered engine named moonblock. The user-friendliness of moonblock is truly great, and it’s incredible seeing how many games have already been created by people with no programming experience whatsoever.
After a presentation of their company, we were given a tour of the studio and one of the artists talked to us about the production pipeline and the number of engineers and artist in any given project. Finally, one of their programming interns gave us a final presentation about the mobile optimization work for enchant.js he’s doing. He also talked to us about technicalities of the engine such as rendering techniques, type of shaders and how he intended to improve the reaction time, rendering speed and FPS count on mobile platforms.

All in all, UEI’s work extends far beyond game-oriented software and hardware. They’re always experimenting with new technologies and also creating new ones. It is truly great seeing a company working towards making game-making easy for everyone because I believe this paves the way to seeing more interesting and unique games in the future.

Land Ho! is an 80 people game software company founded in 1999 by former Sega employees. We sat down with the general manager of business development and he gave us a very personal overview of his studio. They have developed a lot of games, although many of their games have been published by a large number of famous and prestigious publishers. Their biggest hits include horse-racing games, although their casual-oriented dancing games have done very well. Their most famous game is the Xbox One-exclusive game Crimson Dragon, which was extensively promoted by Microsoft during their 2013 E3 conference.

They have developed games on a large variety of consoles and are always working on new platforms and with new technologies. What’s interesting about the studio is that they belong to the category of mid-sized developers, and they have decided to focus not only on original IPs but also on work-for-hire games. The adaptability of their team is admirable because they don’t focus only on one platform and they have launched a huge amount of games despite their size. It was very enriching to visit them and have them offer us an insight on their business practices.

As a developer specialized in mobile online games, Aiming has done exceedingly well. Founded in 2011, they now operate four studios in three different countries. One of their MMOs is currently Japan’s number 4 in number of active players. Their ambition of focusing only on online mobile games has paid off since now they have successfully released and are currently maintaining a large number of games on the Japanese mobile market. Their games include "Lord of Knights", hack and slash game "Valiant Legion" and "スマホでゴルフ!ぐるぐるイーグル", a successful golfing game.

What I liked most about Aiming is their work philosophy. Managers are very interested in the games that their employees play, and they even play and analyze games together. On Mondays, they hold a study session for the team. In order to maintain their launched games, they divide their team between client and backend and use this production methodology to keep their games updated with additional content and events. Moreover, they organize after-work get-togethers for the team! All in all, Aiming is a studio focusing on the well-being of their employees which in turn improves work environment. I was able to learn a lot from their work methodology.

At the end of the presentation and studio tour, a number of key creative members of the studio offered their time in order to look at the portfolios of all the scholars. I was able to talk with one of their Lead Game Designers and he kindly offered to look at my work all while giving me useful advice and speaking at length about their production pipeline. It was very useful to get a closer look and understanding of the differences and benefits of their work organization from the ones I am used to.

2014 Tokyo Game Show
Aside from playing and attending presentations from a couple of games I am looking forward to, we were able to attend three main events. The first consisted of a round-table between mobile game studios CEOs, marketers, directors and managers from companies such as BANDAI NAMCO and King. The subject of their debated consisted on how diversifying their game platforms and reaching a global audience impacts their business strategies. The second one consisted of a conference by Google and the benefits of developing for Android.

The third event and my personal favorite was the Sense of Wonder Night 2014. I had high hopes for this competition and I was not disappointed. It truly is incredible seeing games with new ideas, concepts and challenges being judged and rewarded on a grand stage. I was very inspired by the games being presented and I took my chance and, afterwards, took the opportunity to exchange ideas and engage in conversation with most of the contestants.  

I was able to do so thanks to the parties we were able to attend, most importantly the Indie Stream Fest 2014. There, I met people I didn’t even imagine I could meet while still being a student! To my surprise, even the most influential game industry people were very approachable and open to conversation. It was one of the highlights of the scholarship: being in a room full of talented and inspiring people was a very important moment in my life which I shall not forget soon.

I have thanked IGDA Japan over and over for their generosity and work in making all of this possible, but I will do so one more time because they deserve it: Mr. Kenji Ono and Mrs. Ogata Miyuki, thank you for everything. You have given me moments I will treasure for the rest of my life and my career.

Japan is a great country and while I have visited it before I cannot wait to see its beautiful sights and its interesting and downright unique game industry once again. I would also like to mention how this scholarship wouldn’t have been so amazing without my fellow scholars. With such an international, varied and just plain fun crew, it was impossible not to enjoy it even more so a shout-out to you guys if you happen to be reading this! It is a small world and a small industry, so I’m looking forward to seeing all of you once again in the very near future!  (Supinfogame, Dante Medina)

日本語翻訳:小野憲史, Internationalization Force, IGDA日本
Japanese translation: Kenji Ono, Internationalization Force, IGDA Japan

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